
Archive for February, 2013

I love this

So admittedly this isn’t an experiment in eating per se, and if you’re expecting a recipe this post will sorely disappoint…but, anyone who knows me knows I’ve got a bit of a thing for tea and all things tea-related. I’m talking all sorts of strainers, pots, mugs, cups and cosies here guys. That’s not even to mention the wide array of teas I enjoy depending on my mood, everything from spiced herbal teas, to yorkshire tea (now that’s a proper brew)- just not fruit tea. no.

Having contemplated my love of tea for a few minutes I realised I most definitely had enough tea-related opinions, anecdotes and  products to fill many a blog post- and who am I to deny you?

So, where to start? Well, let me tell you how it all began.

I was about 6 years old and spending the weekend at my grandparents. I am the second youngest of their 11 grandchildren, so I think this was the first and last time I ever slept-over at Nan and Grandad’s as small energetic people were beginning to get a bit too much for them to cope with single handedly. My sister was considered to be too much of both of the above for this adventure, being two years my junior and the antithesis of the serious bookish child that I was. I was read a bed-time story and Nan had made an attempt to stop me sucking thumb (she took my comfort hankie a.k.a. my goy, away)before being issued with strict instructions not to go into their room before 8am (they probably weren’t that strict, but seemed like a big deal at the time)

I’ve always been utterly rubbish at remembering numbers and when I woke in the morning a sudden flood of anxiety swept over me because I had forgotten the acceptable time to get up. I crept into my grandparent’s room whispering that I had forgotten what time I was allowed to come in, was it too early? Luckily it was gone 8 and I was allowed to cuddle up with Nan whilst Grandad made us tea. At first I  said I didn’t want any- obviously because tea was yuck. Grandad managed convinced me to try tea the way he made it…and it was marvelous.

It was probably only vaguely related to tea, being mainly milk and sugar, but it was the first of many. The fact that sugar isn’t really considered an acceptable accompaniment to tea in our household meant I was quickly weaned onto “proper” tea: strong, yorkshire, dash of milk, from a pot- and there’s been very little looking back.

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